Take first measurements
Know the starting point to quantify how much of a difference is being made
Preview how this activity will happen in this two-minute video from the template. Turn on closed captioning to read instructions in your preferred language.
When starting a new project, you want to take initial measures of where you are so that you can accurately measure the change your efforts are making but people often forget to benchmark the current state.
Why take your first measurements?
First measurements provide the reference points against which all future activity can be compared. Documenting initial measures enable you to accurately evaluate progress over time and quantify the difference being made. You will know where to focus your attention if things are not going as you’d hoped and be able to celebrate achievements along the way.
There are different ways to get started. You could
Record your data in a spreadsheet
Make initial measurement a task in your project plan
Hang a blank dashboard as a reminder
Use emojis to represent feelings
A good approach is one that:
Guarantees first measurements are taken
Is repeatable
Enables comparison over time
Works for things you can count, as well as observe
Is specific to your work
We recommend you:
Refer to the measurements you prioritised
Plan when the initial data will be gathered
Take your first measurements
Communicate your findings
What does taking a first measurement look like?
The What Could Be team took initial measurements to begin tracking the progress of its self-facilitated template offering.
Now that you know the importance of your first measurements, it’s time to take yours!
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